News & Topics ARTERIA Networks Co., Ltd. and AT TOKYO Co., Ltd. decide to lay Japan’s first optical fiber cable for communications across Tokyo Bay.


ARTERIA Networks Co., Ltd. and AT TOKYO Co., Ltd. decide to lay Japan’s first optical fiber cable for communications across Tokyo Bay.

In December 2023, Arteria Networks Corporation and AT Tokyo Corporation decided to lay a communication optical fiber cable across Tokyo Bay, a first in Japan, connecting the Toyosu-Ariake area, which hosts a concentration of IT companies, with the Shibaura-Shinagawa area.


What underlies this decision?


The backdrop for the installation of the communication optical fiber cable includes the rapid increase in communication traffic due to changes in work styles, the rise of rich content such as video streaming, and the spread of DX, AI, and IoT, necessitating the enhancement of optical communication facilities that are vital to data centers accumulating massive data. Furthermore, communication networks, being essential social infrastructure, must not be severed under any circumstances.

To meet such societal demand, the decision was made to lay a communication optical fiber cable across Tokyo Bay, ensuring a route for data centers located on islands without relying on bridges. A notable feature is the use of the arc advancement method, considering environmental conservation.

AT Tokyo is working towards establishing a Central Third Center in the Shibaura-Shinagawa area by July 2024 as a network connection hub comparable to existing data centers, contributing to Tokyo’s information infrastructure, which brings together major financial businesses, content providers, and telecommunications operators from Japan and around the world.

Arteria Networks aims to support Tokyo as a leading technology industry and international financial city by connecting data centers in the Toyosu-Ariake area and the Shibaura-Shinagawa area provided by AT Tokyo with a high-capacity, low-latency cable route via the shortest path, offering flexible and diverse communication services.


Reasons for connecting data centers via the Tokyo Bay crossing route


The installation of this communication optical fiber cable aims to connect the Toyosu-Ariake and Shibaura-Shinagawa areas through redundant land and sea routes, enabling the use of a more reliable network infrastructure.

Existing land cable routes are at risk of flooding and liquefaction during disasters, potentially severing the network. The Tokyo Bay crossing communication optical fiber cable, installed using HDD (Horizontal Directional Drilling) method, crosses Tokyo Bay in a continuous underground conduit, ensuring a high-capacity, high-speed communication by securing an alternate route to the land, resistant to damages from ship anchors and other hazards.


Arteria Networks’ strategic initiatives in the data center business


The Inzai area in Chiba Prefecture has been deemed suitable for data center operations due to the strength of its ground, high accessibility to Tokyo and Narita, and connectivity to the submarine cable landing stations in northern Ibaraki and southern Boso in Chiba. In 2021, Arteria Networks announced the installation of a dedicated line facility capable of up to 100Gbps at the NRT10 data center being constructed by MC Digital Realty in the Inzai area of Chiba Prefecture. The laying of the communication optical fiber cable across Tokyo Bay is backed by Arteria Networks’ longstanding strategic efforts, with further advancements expected in the future.
